Civil/Building Standards
1.         Code of Practice for Damp Proofing Treatment Using Bitumen Felts NCP 062 – 2017 Newly elaborated
2.         Code of Practice for Water Proofing of Roofs with Bitumen Felts NCP 063:2017 Newly elaborated
3.         Plaster of Paris NIS 938:2017 Newly elaborated
4.         Concrete – Part 1: Methods of Specifying and Guidance for The Specifier NIS ISO 22965-1:2007 Adopted
5.         Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall cladding – Product specifications NIS 553:2017 Adopted
6.         Construction Procurement – Part 1: Processes, Methods, and Procedures NIS ISO 10845-1:2010 Adopted
7.         Construction Procurement – Part 2: Formatting and Compilation of Procurement Documentation NIS ISO 10845-2:2011 Adopted
8.         Construction Procurement – Part 3: Standard Conditions of Tender NIS ISO 10845-3:2011 Adopted
9.         Construction Procurement – Part 4: Standard Conditions for the Calling for Expressions of Interest NIS ISO 10845-4:2011 Adopted
10.     Construction Procurement – Part 5: Participation of Targeted Enterprises in Contracts NIS ISO 10845-5:2011 Adopted
11.     Construction Procurement – Part 6: Participation of Targeted Partners in Joint Ventures in Contracts NIS ISO 10845-6:2011 Adopted
12.     Construction Procurement – Part 7: Participation of Local Enterprises and Labour in Contracts NIS ISO 10845-7:2011 Adopted
13.     Construction Procurement – Part 8: Participation of Targeted Labour in Contracts NIS ISO 10845-8:2011 Adopted
14.     Testing of Concrete – Part 1: Sampling of Fresh Concrete NIS ISO 1920-1:2004 Adopted
15.     Testing of Concrete – Part 2: Properties of Fresh Concrete NIS ISO 1920-2:2005 Adopted
16.     Testing of Concrete – Part 3: Making and Curing Test Specimens NIS ISO 1920-3:2004 Adopted
17.     Testing of Concrete – Part 4: Strength of Hardened Concrete NIS ISO 1920-4:2005 Adopted
18.     Testing of Concrete – Part 5: Properties of Hardened Concrete Other Than Strength NIS ISO 1920-5:2004 Adopted
19.     Testing of Concrete – Part 6: Sampling, Preparing and Testing of Concrete Cores NIS ISO 1920-6:2004 Adopted
20.     Testing of Concrete – Part 7: Non-destructive Tests on Hardened Concrete NIS ISO 1920-7:2004 Adopted
21.     Testing of Concrete – Part 8: Determination of Drying Shrinkage of Concrete for Samples Prepared in the Field or in the Laboratory NIS ISO 1920-8:2009 Adopted
22.     Testing of Concrete – Part 8: Determination of Creep of Concrete Cylinders in Compression NIS ISO 1920-9:2009 Adopted


1. Test method for aluminum roofing sheet for roofing. NIS 487:2004
2. Specification for profile aluminum roofing sheet for roofing. NIS 488:2004
1. Loading Part 3 NCP 001-3:1973
2. Air cooled blast furnace slag coarse aggregate for concrete. NIS 158:1982
3. Specification for galvanized corrugated steel sheets. NIS 180:2003
4. Standard specification for high tensile alloy steel bars cold worked for prestnessed. Nis 096: 1980
5. Specification for bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete. NIS 157: 1982
6. Standard method of testing fresh concrete. NIS 156: 1982
7. Methods of testing concrete NIS 012: 1974
1. Portland blast furnace cement. NIS  015:1980
2. Standard test methods for the characteristics of cement. (Part 1- Test for physical properties). NIS 367:1997
3. Standard test methods for the characteristics of cement—part 2- Test for chemical properties. NIS 368-2:1990
4. Standard on gypsum for industrial use. NIS 426: 2000
5. Code of practice for cement secondary packaging.  (NIS 442:2003) NCP 10:2003
6. Code of care labeling of textiles using symbols (NIS 443:2003) NCP  11:2003
7. Cement:-Pt. 1:  Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements. NIS 444-1:2003
8. Cement:- Pt 2: Conformity evaluation. NIS 444-2:2003
9. Methods of testing cement- Chemical analysis of cement. NIS 445: 2003
10. Methods of testing cement-determination of strength. NIS 446: 2003
11. Methods of testing cement- Determination of setting time and soundness. NIS 447: 2003
12. Methods of testing cement- Determination of fineness NIS 448: 2003
13. Methods of testing cement- Determination of Chloride, carbon dioxide and alkaline content of cement. NIS 449: 2003
14. Standard for precast concrete paving blocks NIS  451: 2003
15. Standard for pavements constructed with concrete paving blocks. Pt. 1:  Guide for the structural design of lightly trafficked pavement. NIS  451-1:2003
16. Methods of testing fly ash-Determination of Calcium oxide content. NIS  452: 2003
17. Methods of testing cement-pozzolanity test for pozzolanic cement. NIS  453:2003
18. Test for geometric properties of aggregate-Assessment of fineness- Methylene blue test. NIS  454: 2003
19. Methods of testing cement- Taking or preparing samples of cement. NIS  455:2003
20. Methods for the sampling and the testing of minerals aggregate, sand and filler. NIS  014: 1974
21. Schedule of unit weight of building blocks. NIS  017: 1974
22. Specification for clay bricks and blocks. NIS  018: 1974
23. Standard for asbestos cement products corrugated sheet and fitting for roofing and cladding. NIS  262: 1989
24. Specification for PVC vinyl asbestos floor tiles. NIS  035:1989
25. Standard for asbestos cement flat sheets. NIS  363: 1997
26. Standard for fibre reinforced roofing sheets. NIS  366: 11997
27. Standard for stabilized earth bricks. NIS  369: 1997
28. Specification for burnt  building units. NIS  074: 1975
29. Standard for sand crete blocks. NIS  087: 2000
30. Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall claddings-test method NIS 552: 2006 NIS  BS  EN  490:2004
31. Concrete roofing tiles and fittings for roof covering and wall claddings-specification NIS 553:2006 NIS  BS EN 491:2004
32. Specification for aggregates from natural sources for concrete. NIS  013: 1974
33. The structural use of concrete in building-part 1 NCP 001-1:1973
34. Fibre cement flat sheet (NIS  549:2006) NIS  ISO 8336: 2006)
35. Fibre cement fascia board (NIS 550: 2006) NIS  ISO 8336:2006
36. Product in fibre reinforcement cement- long corrugated or a symmetrical sectional sheet and fittings for roofing and claddings. (NIS  551: 2006) NIS  ISO  390: 2006
37. Specification for bending dimensions and scheduling of bars for the reinforcement of concrete. (NIS  551; 2006)
1. Fire tests on building materials and structures. NIS  30: 1973
1. Standard for China wash down WC pans with horizontal outlet. NIS  304: 2004


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